We Help You Know How Much Property a Business Owns
CAVS can build property estimates for more than 400 business types. We supply the assets, the asset values, and scale based on the number of employees.
Hundreds of Business Models
We have curated hundreds of business models, and are constantly researching and adding new ones too! Use our tools to estimate one or many business locations, adjust them according to your personal knowledge, and save them for future use.
CAVS Generates Consistent Estimates Based on Industry Research and Average Asset Values
Introducing CAVS, the Cost Analysis Valuation System: The tool for understanding which assets are owned by which businesses, and how much those assets are worth. Our business models are based on industry research and experience. Asset values are averaged across multiple sources. Our algorithm increases appropriate values based on the number of employees. Best yet, the CAVS approach gives you access to consistent business models, but allow you to modify estimates based on personal experience.
Revolutionizing Business Personal Property Valuations With These Unique Features

400+ Business models available

Asset cost data automatically updated online

Adjust asset value

Customize estimation for businesses

Publish and save valuation reports
Do You Need to Estimate the Property Owned by One or More Businesses? Does Your Organization Need the Capacity to Create Estimates and Share Them?
Start a free trial and see what CAVS can offer!
How Does CAVS Work?


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